Wind Shifts from East to West on July 4 & 5 -Would Carry Radiation into NATO Countries

Changes in local wind flow around July 4 & 5, would cause wind from Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant to blow from east to west, carrying radiation into Europe and NATO Countries . . .  IF . . .  an “event” there caused a leak. Meanwhile, the US sent a nuke-sniffer plane over there . . . 

Word is spreading like wildfire that Ukraine plans to attack the Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) on July 5 or 6, blame the attack upon Russia, and that NATO will then use the radiation leakage into NATO countries as cause to declare “an attack upon NATO” has taken place.

If NATO makes that decision, then Article 5 “Collective Self Defense” may be invoked by NATO, against Russia, thereby bringing NATO into the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Russia has repeatedly made clear that if NATO declares Article 5 against Russia, that NATO’s conventional troop strength is superior to Russia, which would force Russia to use its own superior nuclear forces.  Put simply, nuclear missiles would fly.

Quite “coincidentally” last week, Ukraine began telling citizens to have Potassium Iodate/Iodide or straight Iodine to take “in case of a nuclear incident.”

On Friday night into Saturday, the US sent a Nuke Sniffing plane, called “Constant Phoeniz” to the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea, just a hop, skip, and a jump from Ukraine.

On Saturday, Ukraine began “permanent evacuation” of places within 16km of the ZNPP.  Later Saturday, Russia told the people at the ZNPP, which it controls – they must evacuate the area and “be out BY July 5.”  Russia suggested they head to Crimea.  Russia also instituted a 15KM evacuation of the Kherson region, on Saturday.   So all the civilians on both sides in the area of the ZNPP have been told to leave.

All the pieces are now in place for someone to deliberately CAUSE a radiation leak at the ZNPP, and if such a leak takes place, NATO has already said they will deem it an attack upon NATO, brining NATO into the war. If NATO comes in, Russia says they go nuclear.

In related news, more and more countries of the world are applying to join the new BRICS organization.  BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.

They have been openly talking about creating and using a new currency for settlement of international trade, to get away from the US Dollar.  The Dollar being used for all international trade has made the Dollar a financial weapon, which the US then uses to impose Sanctions upon other countries, to get those countries to bend to the Will of the US.   Many countries are tired of US interference, but have been stuck with it because they need the Dollar.  If BRICS comes online with a new reserve currency, US control will collapse.

Some people speculate that the US – and its gloablist Bankers – would rather burn the world to the ground, than lose control of it.

Thus, the NATO effort to find an excuse to come into the Russia-Ukraine fight, which will serve to burn the world to the ground.

Finally, for anyone thinking there might be a negotiated settlement to this situation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared that he will not participate in any peace negotiations with Vladimir Putin until Russian forces have left the occupied Donbas region and the Crimean Peninsula.

Casting doubt on the prospect of bringing the conflict in Ukraine to an end in the foreseeable future, President Zelensky stated that his country will not entertain a diplomatic solution until Ukraine’s 1991 borders are re-established, meaning that Russia would have to retreat from its heavily entrenched positions in the Donbas and Crimea.

That, is not going to happen.

Get right with God.


# Grrrr — ItsMePD 2023-07-03 00:45

I listened to the Uke sympathizer, Canadian Prepper’s report earlier. He didn’t call Hal by name but mentioned this report and referred to Hal as “a sketchy alt news reporter” and tried to totally dismiss the wind direction change as normal. Screw Nate!! I trust Hal way more than that guy.

+2# RE: Wind Shifts from East to West on July 4 & 5 -Would Carry Radiation into NATO Countries — 2023-07-02 17:02

Today, 7/2/2023, Alexander Mercouris with some ZNPP info (29:13 mark):

+2# RE: Wind Shifts from East to West on July 4 & 5 -Would Carry Radiation into NATO Countries — Galwaypoet 2023-07-02 16:20

Comment deleted. Erroneous facts stated.

+3# OT: It finally happened. — JFY 2023-07-02 16:12

Over the years I have mentioned several times that the muslims, with the blessing & orders of the NWO, have been taking huge numbers of shipping containers full of military-grade firearms & ammunition into Europe, and hiding them in their mosques.

It seems that the time has finally come to break them out of storage and start using them, and the average Europeans will simply not have a clue as to what hit them, God help them.

It looks like the jihad in Europe may finally be starting. The final war for the mooselimb conquest of Europe may be here.

(And there’s quite a few of the same on this side of the pond, in case anyone’s interested…)

# Yes, AND… — ActionFrank 2023-07-02 18:22

Get reference, inforwars has been great for years. I was live on air with Alex in 2015, and his contacts are legit, just like Hals, Quayles, and Dave Hodges.

However, China was give the only deep water sea port by Bill Clinton in the 90’s. See Alexs first docu called something like “The Destruction of America by Design”. He goes to all the national parks and finds the dedication plates stating they are now owned by the UN!

My point is, China has been able to ship the largest ships humanly possible right into america. No customs, no checks, right onto trucks, into the heart of america, specially Kansas. Fastest internet in the US is in KS paid for by china

China has been doing it for years. What do you think all those sea boxes at all those targets and walmarts are for? All kinda of SAMS, and arms are ready to.

Real CCP troops came in threw San Diego, unseen, and link up with their forces from the south coming threw our boarder, and the north from Canada and Alaska.

China runs a huge oil rig in the Gulf of Cali, they own all of Vancouver, BC, and spys just got caught driving threw a military base in Alaska.

I should also mention the former Head of Homeland testified in congress that terrorist were known and ARE in all 50 States, and every major city.

You’re correct about the middle east. But its in place here too. Why do you think Bath House Barry let china and russia be present and watch our GEN II (?) power plant/ infrastructure drills. Apple gave china access to everything to do business in china. They already know how to shit it all down