Via State of the Nation

Did the DNC really miss the obvious along with Democrat leaders across the USA…..…or was Biden’s disastrous debate

So what’s their “Kabuki theater” game plan?

All we can say is that: It’s time to grab your popcorn, sit back, put your feet up and enjoy the greatest political comedy in world history.

ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! These are the 6 Democrats
‘luminaries’ being considered to replace the
scarily non-functioning Joe Biden.

But why is BIG MIKE conspicuously missing from that list of 6 woke hopefuls when this appears to be the secret plan?

Big Mike is Coming . . .

KEY POINT: At this late date, the only possible path to a Democrat victory on November 5, 2024 is for a ultra-liberal luminary to take center stage.  There’s only one transhumanist entity who fits that wholly woke and trangendered profile—BIG MIKE!

See: FINALLY, CONCLUSIVE PROOF! Michelle Obama really is Big Mike