Max Blumentha, Youtube screenshot

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was ostensibly intended to stop war between the Russian empire and the West, but the Soviet Union no longer exists, yet NATO continues to expand. NATO is not defensive, but is acting to provoke Russia through its expansion. Sweden has joined NATO. The US Senate, except for Rand Paul and Josh Hawley, voted to include Sweden in NATO. In order to add Sweden, Turkey had to be appeased in it oppression of the Kurds. Max Blumental says there was a delicate balance in Sweden between being a haven for Kurds while maintaining ties with Turkey, but its neutrality has been broken. He says NATO is a mechanism for global imperial control by the United States and is the enemy of humanity.

Glenn Greenwald wrote that each time a new country joins NATO, it means the US is extending a permanent, limitless vow to defend that new country in any war and to treat its wars as our own.

He asked who this benefits and if American lives are improved by this.