Breaking News - China: "The Japanese People will be dragged into a fiery Hell"

Chinese Ambassador to Japan, Wu Jianghao, today publicly announced “The Japanese people will be dragged into a fiery hell,”  after Japan pledged support to Taiwan.

The ambassador has already been summoned to the Taiwan Foreign Ministry.

Hal Turner Snap Analysis

WOW!  This language is so unusual as to be completely unknown coming from _any_ China official.  

Seems as though old animosities are resurfacing in Asia.

This is not the language used by Diplomats . . .  or are we in a new paradigm?

If this is what their DIPLOMAT says . . .  can any of us imagine the level of anger/hatred the Chinese still feel against Japan for the “Rape of Nanking?”

Sounds to me like someone has some very old scores to settle.

This could get ugly.
