RUSSIA Ponders a NUCLEAR ATTACK. 11 Submarines with Bulava Atomic Missiles in the Atlantic. Escobar: NATO Escalation for World War III

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In the cover image a Bulava ballistic missile launched at the Kura training ground from the submarine cruiser Yury Dolgoruky in the White Sea. A screenshot from a video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«Russia should consider the possibility of carrying out a demonstration nuclear explosion as one of the measures to prevent hostilities in Ukraine from turning into a direct conflict with the West.

Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of the research programs of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy, HSE professor, writes about it” is what the Russian site specializing in military strategies Avia.Pro reports.

Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of research programs of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy

Deputy director of the Russian Defense Council: “We need a demonstration nuclear explosion”

In his publication Suslov argues that the situation is such that Western countries could allow Ukraine to strike Russian territory with long-range weapons. He believes this will “take the conflict to a fundamentally different level.”

“There is only one way to prevent such a catastrophic development of events: a sharp strengthening of the Russian policy of containment and intimidation,” Suslov writes.

According to him, carrying out a demonstration nuclear explosion could be a step that would show the West the seriousness of Russia’s intentions and force it to reconsider its position.

11 Submarines of the Moscow Fleet in the Atlantic

Already in the month of March, after the continuous escalation of the conflict in Ukraine supported by the supplies of weapons from NATO countries with which the Russian civilian population is ALREADY exterminated (complaint by the Russian ambassador to the UN Security Council), Russia had launched a clear signal to the main supporters of Kiev, the UK and the USA by sending 11 nuclear submarines into the Atlantic Ocean.

The news was reported only by the Bulgarian site but was relaunched by various media in recent days after the cyber attack by the Ukrainian army with NATO electronic weapons on the military technical center called “Tsar’s Wolves” which targeted a nuclear warning system in the southern Krasnodar region as part of the electromagnetic war that has been ongoing for months between Moscow and Kiev.


AVIA PRO – In Russia sta valutando di organizzare un’esplosione nucleare dimostrativa

OBEKTIVNO.BG –  La Russia ha schierato 11 sottomarini nucleari nell’Oceano Atlantico

SPUTNIK INTERNATIONAL – Backbone of Russia’s Naval Nuclear Deterrent: What We Know About Bulava Missile

SPUTNIK INTERNATIONAL – Pepe Escobar: The West is Hell-Bent on Provoking Russia Into Hot War




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