Update. RUSSIAN NUCLEAR WARSHIPS NEAR US COAST. Drills in Cuba evokes Nightmares of the 1962’s Caribbean Crisis

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by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


In the next few days, Russian nuclear warships will arrive in the port of Cuba for an official visit and some drills.

At other times the issue would have seemed like a simple provocation but after the repeated escalations of the conflict in Ukraine triggered by the strengthening of missile supplies from NATO countries and the authorization given by some of them, including the USA, to use them on the territories of Russia from which the attacks against Kiev’s army originate, this “unexpected move” represents a danger that brings to mind the Caribbean Missile Crisis of October 1962.

Putin: “Russia looking at all scenarios of special military operation”

Russia is looking at all scenarios of the special military operation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said according to TASS Russian News Agency..

The moderator of the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Sergey Karaganov, called for more intensive actions during the special military operation or eve for louder nuclear rhetoric.

“At some point, Russia will have to begin to be in a hurry,” he said. “So, please don’t ignore my and my friends’ arguments.” “We don’t ignore anything. We are looking at all scenarios,” Putin said. “Thank you for these recommendations.”

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) will be held on June 5-8. This year’s theme will be “The Formation of New Areas of Growth as the Cornerstone of a Multipolar World.

Only Normal Drills for Cuba

Although the Atlanticist mainstream media have tried to downplay it as a “psyop” – a simple psychological intimidation with displays of military muscle – it should be taken into consideration that in recent days Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of the research programs of the Council for Foreign Policy and defense of Moscow, had advised the Kremlin to evaluate a demonstrative nuclear attack to terrorize Ukraine and NATO’s adversaries.

The main official Russian media outlets also try to downplay the threat by making the unusual event appear as a simple international diplomatic meeting within the armed forces.

frigate The Admiral Gorshkov

On June 12-17, 2024 there will be an official visit to the port of Havana by a group of four ships of the Russian Navy,”Cuba’s Armed Forces said in a statement.

The group consists of the frigate The Admiral Gorshkov, nuclear submarine The Kazan, tanker ship the Akademik Pashin and rescue tug The Nikolay Chiker, Russian news agency TASS reported.


“This visit stems from the historic friendly relations between Cuba and Russia and is strictly in line with international rules,” the Cuban Defense Ministry pointed out. “None of the ships carry nuclear weapons, so their docking in our country does not pose a threat to the region.”

But even in the Cuban Crisis of 1962 the Kremlin initially denied the installation of missiles just 140 km from the coast of the United States…

“During their stay, the Russian sailors will follow a program of activities including courtesy visits to the Cuban Navy’s commander and the governor of Havana. They will also visit places of historical and cultural interest,” the Cuban military said.

The exercises may also include “aircraft deployments” and flights in the region, US military sources fears. Administration officials suspect that Cuba approved the Russian port call “at least in part” over an incident last year in which a U.S. nuclear submarine docked at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, angering the Cubans, a second U.S. official said.

The Specter of Nuclear Missiles in the Caribbean

The naval maneuver, however, adds to the one started last March with the deployment in the Atlantic Ocean of 11 nuclear submarines equipped with the new very powerful Bulava missile with a very long range of up to 9 thousand km and capable of carrying up to 10 atomic warheads.


It should also not be forgotten that a few months ago Russia announced that it had equipped exactly the Admiral Gorshkov frigate with the Zircon hypersonic cruise missile, which can be launched from naval units, submarines and surfaces, and capable of carrying a 350 kg atomic warhead.

With a range between 400 and 1,000 kilometers, the Zircons can fly at a speed of 9,800 km/h (Mach 8) while evading defense systems. They were successfully used by the Russian Navy in Ukraine, but of course without a nuclear explosive.

«Russia’s plans to conduct military exercises in the Caribbean have sparked great interest and unrest in the international community. The exercises are part of Moscow’s strategy to project its power globally and represent an important step in response to US efforts to support Ukraine” reports the Russian military geopolitical website Avia.Pro.

Putin’s Threat to NATO Countries

According to information reported by the site, «Russian warships intend to stop in Cuba and Venezuela, which underlines Moscow’s close ties with these countries. After the end of the exercises, it is planned to leave the ships in the region until the end of the summer to conduct other military maneuvers in the autumn. This decision is a clear signal to the West that Russia is ready to defend its interests anywhere in the world».


In a recent major meeting with foreign media, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow may begin supplying weapons to countries at war with states supplying arms to Ukraine.

“If someone believes it is possible to supply such weapons to a combat zone to hit our territory and create problems for us, then why don’t we have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where attacks will be carried out? Do those countries that do this against Russia do it on sensitive targets? The answer could be asymmetrical. We will think about it,” underlined the president.

In the previous days, the Russian ambassador to the UN Vasilij Nebenzia had reported to the Security Council that the Kiev army had been using medium-long range missiles supplied by NATO for months to “exterminate the civilian population of the border areas” as in Belgorod region.

This border area was hit for the umpteenth time in recent days by American-made HIMARS rocket launchers with the applause of the Atlanticist media who recognized it as the first “official” attack in Russia after the White House gave the green light to the use of such weapons.


Retired colonel and military observer Viktor Baranets noted that Putin’s words are not just a warning, but a real movement in this direction, reports in another article Avia.Pro.

According to him, negotiations have been going on for a long time between Russia and Venezuela, between Russia and Cuba about returning to Cuba after departure. Cubans and Venezuela, according to him, are already starting to change their policies and are less afraid of American dictates.

“If the Chinese also joined there, it would provoke wild shouts in Washington. They will shout, maybe even physically interfere, but if at least one military base appears in Cuba, it will mean that a sharp Russian bayonet will be aimed at America’s rich “fifth point,” he added.

Baranets also drew attention to planned exercises between Russia and Cuba in the Caribbean. Which brings to mind what happened in 1962 when the Kremlin initially denied having placed nuclear missiles on the island.

The Missile Crisis of 1962

The Cuban Missile Crisis, known in Cuba as the crisis de octubre (“October crisis”) and in Russia as Карибский кризис (Karibskij krizis, “Caribbean crisis”), was a state of serious political and diplomatic tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union, generated by the deployment of Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuban territory. The episode, which occurred during Kennedy’s presidency, was one of the most critical moments of the Cold War and most at risk of triggering a nuclear conflict.